Blood Types

What is your blood type?  Approximately, 40% of the population is O+ and 34% is A+.  Knowing your blood type is the first step in a proactive approach to blood donation.  When there is a critical need for a specific blood type you can be ready to answer the call.


blood types

Breaking it down for whole blood donations:

O Negative: Can donate to 100% of the population

O Positive:  Can donate to 85% of the population

A Positive: Can donate to 37% of the population

A Negative: Can donate to 44.5% of the population

B Positive: Can donate to 11% of the population

B Negative: Can donate to 12.5% of the population

AB Positive: Can donate to 3% of the population

AB Negative: Can donate to 3.5% of the population

All blood type are important 100% of the time