Donor eligibility depends on many different factors. Each individual is unique in their circumstances surrounding their ability to donate.
- Eat Well – your body needs energy in order to provide a good donation and replenish itself.
- Drink Plenty of Fluids – Fluids comprise a large percentage of your body so your hydration is important.
- Bring a Photo I.D. – even if you have donated before, it is necessary that you provide proof of identification for quality control. If you are 16 or 17 years old, you must have a signed Parental Consent Form
- Travel – international travel can impact your ability to donate – please let the staff know where you have traveled recently if outside the United States.
- Medications – many medications can impact your ability to donate. If concerned about your current medications, please contact our centers for assistance prior to your appointment.
- Medical History – some illnesses impact your ability to donate. In certain cases it may defer your donations for a limited period of time, in others it can permanently defer you. Our staff will assist you in determining your status.
- Weight limits – currently donors must be 113 lbs or more to donate blood.
- FDA Guidelines – quality control is mandated by the Food & Drug Administration, specific guidelines have been established to ensure that our blood supply is not compromised. Blood Bank of Alaska follows these guidelines when screening all potential donors.
- Not Following the Three Key Rules – Eat Well, Drink Plenty of Fluids and Bring a Photo I.D.
- Learn More About Iron Levels and Donating

PLEASE CALL 907-222-5630