January is National Blood Donor Month

January is National Blood Donor Month

This month is designated as National Blood Donor Month to remind donors that blood donations are needed to save lives.  There are 36% of the population that are eligible to donate blood.  In Alaska less than 2% donate blood and Alaskans depend on blood donors in their time of need.  During the winter months donations decrease, but the need is constant.

To become a blood donor visit a Blood Bank of Alaska center or call us at 907-222-5630 to schedule your appointment.  The process is short and simple. Upon arrival each donor is registered and answers a brief medical questionnaire. If eligible to donate blood a professional donor technician will help you donate blood in our comfortable recliners and then you can enjoy juice & cookies in our recovery area.  Thank you for donating blood today.

https://www.bloodbankofalaska.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/BloodBankOfAlaska_BloodDrive2021_Email.mp4 Donor Month